

A smarter client-side with ClojureScript : Shoreleave's core auxiliary functions



dev dependencies


(this space intentionally left almost blank)
(ns shoreleave.brepl
  (:require [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]))

Shorthand for the CLJS browser repl connect call

(defn connect
  (repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl"))

Shoreleave's common library provides generic auxiliary functions that are used throughout the shoreleave utilites.

(ns shoreleave.common
  (:require [shoreleave.brepl :as brepl]))

Data shaping

Below are functions commonly used for shaping the data being passed around your client-side application. This is most commonly used when you need to communicate with a server (your own or a remote one via CORS/JSONP call), or when you're interopating with other JavaScript libraries.

These calls should be used sparingly, as they do depend on CLJS implementation details that could change.

clj->js is now a proper protocol in CLJS core.

Location bar manipulation

Most apps require checking for or modifying the location bar. Shoreleave supports converting location-bar data into maps, making them easier to incorporate into your applications.

Take a location-bar string and build a map of the arguments structure found in it. This will work for hash-string and query-string. Please note you should not be using hash-bang (#!) URLs anymore - HTML5 history API allows you to change the location URL without a refresh.

(defn args-map
  (let [query-args-obj (goog.Uri.QueryData. (if (contains? #{\# \?} (get location-str 0))
                                              (subs location-str 1)
    (zipmap (map keyword (.getKeys query-args-obj)) (.getValues query-args-obj))))

TIP: The hash-string is great for in-view query args. If you need to update the location without a page refresh, please see Shoreleave's history API

Return a map of the query-string arguments

Return a map of the hash-string arguments

(defn query-args-map
  (args-map js/
(defn hash-args-map
  (args-map js/window.location.hash))

Given a map, set the hash-string arguments; Returns the map

(defn set-window-hash-args
  (let [hash-str (reduce (fn [old-str [k v]] (str old-str (name k) "=" v "&")) "#" args-map)
        clean-hash-str (subs hash-str 0 (dec (count hash-str)))]
    (set! js/window.location.hash clean-hash-str)

Developer Support

Toggle the browser REPL automatically. With no arguments, it'll connect the REPL if 'brepl' is a query-string argument. You can optionally pass in your own query-key and query-map; for example if you want to use hash-string arguments instead

(defn toggle-brepl
    (toggle-brepl (query-args-map)))
    (toggle-brepl query-map :brepl))
  ([query-map query-key]
    (when (query-map query-key)